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Psychology Of Happiness
Psychology Of Happiness
Juan Moisés De La Serna Self-Development
To talk about happiness means talking about an illusion, a goal in life, something very desirable but at the same time ephemeral. At least if we are referring to the idealized “happiness” sold through commercials, television or radio. But happiness is much more than achieving a desired goal in particular; it is a daily effort to maintain that state, otherwise, what would be the purpose of achieving happiness if we have to lose it afterwards? In this book you will find the latest investigations related to happiness and the answers to what it is and how to achieve it. You will also find what happens if you don’t achieve happiness and what happens when the inconveniences and barriers to achieving happiness appear. It will all be explained in a clear and simple way in order to offer you an enriching experience that will be able to help you in your personal search for achieving happiness; but a happiness that will be real, possible and attainable, and above all, lasting.
01.4K viewsCompleted
Emotional Intelligence In School
Emotional Intelligence In School
Juan Moisés De La Serna Self-Development
When we talk about emotional intelligence we are actually referring to the development of the person. This topic has been on the rise for a few decades and it has proven to be useful not only on a personal level but also in the workplace. Research on the benefits of a proper development of Emotional Intelligence is on the increase, advising on the training of it as early as possible. Therefore, school is the most suitable environment for young children and even adolescents to get to know and to develop Emotional Intelligence.
01.0K viewsCompleted
Joseph, The Great Servant
Joseph, The Great Servant
Juan Moisés De La Serna Literature&Fiction
Chapter 1 A Lonely Childhood This is the story of a prince called Joseph, a direct descendant of King David of Israel. According to the tradition of Israel, the Messiah would one day come from this line. It was said that the Messiah, or Great King, as he was known, would attain such power that it would make Israel the mightiest nation on earth, even mightier than under the reigns of King Solomon and King David, the greatest kings that Israel had ever had. The story I am about to tell you starts with Joseph as a young boy. He was a normal four-year old living in a palace on the outskirts of a small town. After all, the prince of a royal house normally lives in a palace. His father owned a lot of land and property, as well as having many servants and other people at his beck and call.
0868 viewsCompleted
Approach To Neuropsychology
Approach To Neuropsychology
Juan Moisés De La Serna Self-Development
To speak of neuropsychology is to speak of one of the branches that has experienced the most growth in the past few years since it makes use of the advances of not only psychology but also those of neuroscience. The field of neuropsychology embraces theoretical aspects as well as those in practice regarding disorders and traumas. This is a field that is ever more in demand due to the great benefits that it offers to patients.
0865 viewsCompleted
Stress And Trauma In Pandemic Times
Stress And Trauma In Pandemic Times
Juan Moisés de la Serna Self-Development
People frequently say that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Yet from a bird’s eye point of view it has similarities with other pandemics, even other illnesses, and with other stresses and traumas. In fact, each situation of stress and trauma illuminates all the others. We are on the cusp of a science of stress and trauma. In this book we indicate how the current pandemic interweaves with that science, both benefiting and contributing to it. In other words, though in this pandemic each person and community feel that their sufferings are unique, in fact they overlap with other areas of suffering that can provide benefit to our collective wisdom. In this book two scientists from different parts of the world have come together to meld their knowledge of stress and trauma and apply it, together with their current observations, to understanding of the pandemic. Reciprocally, because all traumatic situations overlap, lessons from the pandemic will benefit other situations of stress and trauma. Thus the contents of this book are relevant to every traumatic situation. The book is laid out in the following. Chapter 1 considers previous traumatic situations, while chapter 2 compares them with the pandemic. Chapter 3 introduces stress and trauma terms and applies them to the pandemic. Chapters 4-6 explore the range of stress and trauma processes and consequences all the way from cellular to international levels. Chapter 7 explores the dialectic between death and resilience, while chapter 8 summarises the previous chapters. Finally, chapter 9 applies stress and trauma understanding to amelioration and treatment of COVID-19 consequences.
0863 viewsCompleted
Psychological Aspects In Time Of Pandemic
Psychological Aspects In Time Of Pandemic
Juan Moisés De La Serna Self-Development
After the very positive reception to the article entitled “Cual es el papel del psicólogo ante el nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19)?” (“What is the role of psychology in the face of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19)?”) published in La Cátedra Abierta de Psicológia y Neurociencias on 12th February 2020, and the general interest evoked amongst fellow psychologists and other people with an interest in psychology, I have decided to produce this book, which addresses the subject of the psychological perspective in times of a pandemic. Despite the fact that information concerning health crises such as COVID-19 is very recent and in some cases quite changeable, I am going to present a work based on current data sourced principally from scientific publications, and which will include, from the same sources, statements from various experts. A book accessible to all those who wish to delve into the psychological aspects of a mass phenomenon in times of a health crisis, as in the case of COVID-19.
0761 viewsCompleted
Doubts From The Past
Doubts From The Past
Antonio De Vito Literature&Fiction
Two youths, Sam and Stacie, live College years in full symbiosis. Year in and year out, circumstances and ambitions change. The two main characters separate and live two parallel lives. After some time, coincidentally, their fates will cross again but the background is no longer the carefree time of the College.
0750 viewsCompleted
Do UFOs Exist?
Do UFOs Exist?
Juan Moisés De La Serna Science Fiction
The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream. I sat up in bed. I had to see what was happening because I did not understand what had happened. Trying to wake up a bit, I put my feet on the floor and the coldness of the tiles ended up waking me up. I saw that I was in my bedroom and was still at night. Through the window, nothing could be seen, only darkness, not a single star in the sky could be seen. But in my head, still dazed, I remembered what had woken me up. Although I didn´t know what it had been, a feeling came to my mind, something like a great light, or a glow, maybe it would be a flash light.  
0746 viewsCompleted
The Psychic Adviser
The Psychic Adviser
Juan Moisés De La Serna Literature&Fiction
No one could have told me, and if they had, I would not have believed them, that I would be a writer, considering how difficult it was for me to read as a child. Despite this, circumstances had forced me to this profession, since having as much time as I had now, locked up for life, I wouldn't have much else to do. It is true that some prisoners were engaged in exercising in the yard, and besides studying in the library, the weakest of them took training courses, but all of them have something that I do not have, an ideal to fight for and move forward. With a sentence of a few months or even years, it is easy to think that the preparation will serve them well for something, and that it will be easier to make a living outside this prison, but in my case, with the certainty that I will never step outside again, what's the point of getting ready?
0735 viewsCompleted
Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction
Juan Moisés De La Serna Self-Development
Technology is more and more present in our lives, which is a clear advance, but also a danger, especially among the youngest people, since they can fall into what is called CyberAddiction. <br><br>This has become a reality today, a health problem that did not exist only a decade ago, and which is taking on new victims and more and more young people every day. Although the long-term consequences are still unknown, the fact that some studies indicate that 30% of young people who use the Internet on a daily basis are at risk of suffering from behavioral addiction means that one in three is at risk. While some countries are beginning to take steps to prevent it, in others they have not yet realized the gravity of the situation, hence the need to disseminate the results of recent research in this regard to give visibility to a social problem that requires both preventive and treatment measures.
0717 viewsCompleted

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