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Urban/Realistic Audiobooks - page 3

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No. 1 Supreme Warrior

By: Moneto

Chapter Count: 450

Views: 12.1K

Novel Tags: Warrior,Growth,Powerful,Urban

Novel Type: Urban/Realistic

Although the Supreme returns in order to pass his days peacefully, he was belittled by everyone. On his wedding day, with a wave of his arm, he summoned the Nine Great Gods of War to him, who addressed him as their master…
No. 1 Supreme Warrior
No. 1 Supreme Warrior
by: Moneto31 : 09 : 55450 Chapters
Although the Supreme returns in order to pass his days peacefully, he was belittled by everyone. On his wedding day, with a wave of his arm, he summoned the Nine Great Gods of War to him, who addressed him as their master…

Billionaire Out of The Blue

By: Lavish Lazuli

Chapter Count: 879

Views: 31.5K

Novel Tags: Revenge,Romance,Billionaire,Rich,Son-in-Law

Novel Type: Urban/Realistic

As the heir to a super-wealthy family, the only thing I want is keeping a low profile. Why is it so difficult?
Billionaire Out of The Blue
Billionaire Out of The Blue
by: Lavish Lazuli109 : 55 : 52879 Chapters
As the heir to a super-wealthy family, the only thing I want is keeping a low profile. Why is it so difficult?

Secretly The Billionaire Boss

By: Debbie chocolate

Chapter Count: 548

Views: 22.9K

Novel Tags: Manipulative,Mature,Growth,Billionaire,Dominant,legend,Urban

Novel Type: Urban/Realistic

Grey, a delivery man who was treated like trash by everyone, betrayed by his girlfriend, fired by his boss. Just at the time he was desperate to death, an old man told him his real identity. Now, he's no longer the useless trash, he is called Hercules, king of the world!
Secretly The Billionaire Boss
Secretly The Billionaire Boss
by: Debbie chocolate63 : 31 : 35548 Chapters
Grey, a delivery man who was treated like trash by everyone, betrayed by his girlfriend, fired by his boss. Just at the time he was desperate to death, an old man told him his real identity. Now, he's no longer the useless trash, he is called Hercules, king of the world!

Making a Comeback

By: Plainly Handsome

Chapter Count: 130

Views: 6.2K

Novel Tags: Revenge,Billionaire,Son-in-Law

Novel Type: Urban/Realistic

Tyrone Hendrick spent the last ten years keeping a low profile, even after marrying into his wife's family. But at the order of his wife, Ysabella Vaughn, he reclaims his former identity, becoming a domineering and powerful man. From now on, he will give Ysabella everything!
Making a Comeback
Making a Comeback
by: Plainly Handsome18 : 16 : 21130 Chapters
Tyrone Hendrick spent the last ten years keeping a low profile, even after marrying into his wife's family. But at the order of his wife, Ysabella Vaughn, he reclaims his former identity, becoming a domineering and powerful man. From now on, he will give Ysabella everything!

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