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Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction
Juan Moisés De La Serna Self-Development
Technology is more and more present in our lives, which is a clear advance, but also a danger, especially among the youngest people, since they can fall into what is called CyberAddiction. <br><br>This has become a reality today, a health problem that did not exist only a decade ago, and which is taking on new victims and more and more young people every day. Although the long-term consequences are still unknown, the fact that some studies indicate that 30% of young people who use the Internet on a daily basis are at risk of suffering from behavioral addiction means that one in three is at risk. While some countries are beginning to take steps to prevent it, in others they have not yet realized the gravity of the situation, hence the need to disseminate the results of recent research in this regard to give visibility to a social problem that requires both preventive and treatment measures.
0621 viewsCompleted
I'M Only A Child
I'M Only A Child
Wanda Montanelli Self-Development
Child brides sold as objects, with a rite of marriage or a simple exchange of money, to people of adult age, suffer real abuse, an act which aids paedophilia. The parties responsible are the families, which oblige their daughters to enter into forced marriages, and the men, who ”buy” a child: as a wife-slave-sexual object. The stories told in this book are true, they took place in Africa, India, Yemen, Niger, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico; places where, due to poverty, war, famine, it becomes customary for parents to sell their daughters to adult suitors in exchange for money. The psychological and physical effects are devastating for girls torn from childhood and forced into marriage: from serious diseases like HIV, medical conditions caused by teenage pregnancies, psychiatric disorders, through to a high incidence of childbirth related deaths of both mother and baby. The social denouncement aims of the #maipiùsposebambine [no more child brides] inquiry uphold the belief that joint efforts to combat the phenomenon of child marriage will further the development of an awareness by all the stakeholders: family, schools, governmental institutions. To actively contribute towards solving this serious problem the author collaborates, through the Osservatorio Onerpo [National and European monitoring centre for the safeguarding of equal opportunities] of which she is vice president, with the Girls Not Brides organisation, which, with a significant global partnership programme, plans to totally abolish forced marriage by 2030.
0619 viewsCompleted
Historical Reflections Of Physics: From Archimedes, ..., Einstein Till Present
Historical Reflections Of Physics: From Archimedes, ..., Einstein Till Present
Santo Armenia Self-Development
This is the fourth work of a tetralogy which gives birth to the pursuit of the Truth: the first work is ”Galileo and Einstein”, the second work is ”Archimedes”, the third work is ”Archimedes - Galileo - Newton - Einstein”. This fourth work aims to underline the perpetuating millennial mistake which consists of considering the weight unalterable and unchanging compared to the shape of the body itself. Together with this mistake, it is underlined how two mistakes of the Scientific Community, made in the last forty years, are added. The first consists in deciding to use the same scales used previously to measure the body weight to measure the body mass. The second, starting from the 20th May 2019 when redefining the fundamental physical quantities, is related to the kg mass for which it hasn’t been fixed a standard sample, nor the fabric or the sizeable shape.
0617 viewsCompleted
What Motivates Getting Things Done: Procrastination, Emotions, and Success
What Motivates Getting Things Done: Procrastination, Emotions, and Success
A marvel of evolution is that humans are not solely motivated by their desire to experience positive emotions. They are also motivated, and even driven to achieve, by their attempt to avoid or seek relief from negative ones. What Motivates Getting Things Done: Procrastination, Emotions, and Success explains how anxiety is like a highly motivating friend, why you should fear failure, and the underpinnings of shame, distress, and fear in the pursuit of excellence. Many successful people put things off until a deadline beckons them, while countless others can't resist the urge to do things right away. Dr. Lamia explores the emotional lives of people who are successful in their endeavors--both procrastinators and non-procrastinators alike--to illustrate how the human motivational system works, why people respond to it differently, and how everyone can use their natural style of getting things done to their advantage. The book illustrates how the different timing of procrastinators and non-procrastinators to complete tasks has to do with when their emotions are activated and what activates them. Overall, What Motivates Getting Things Done illustrates how emotions play a significant role in our style of doing, along with our way of being in the world. Readers will acquire a better understanding of the innate biological system that motivates them and how they can make the most of it in all areas of their lives.
0614 viewsCompleted
Meditation Made Easy: More Than 50 Exercises for Peace, Relaxation, and Mindfulness
Meditation Made Easy: More Than 50 Exercises for Peace, Relaxation, and Mindfulness
Preston Bentley Self-Development
There's more to meditation than just rhythmically chanting "Om" in a seated position - inner calm can be achieved through the simplest of actions, such as mindfully drinking a cup of tea. This guide shows you how to harness the power of meditation in your daily life with a variety of meditation techniques that you can learn and carry out in just a few minutes. From breathing exercises that can help you quickly calm down in a stressful situation to mantras that can help you state your intentions for the day, every page offers powerful techniques, showing you effective ways to boost your mood, manage worries, and get a good night's sleep. Featuring more than 50 easy-to-follow guided meditations, Meditation Made Easy helps lead you toward peace, tranquility, and a more relaxed life.
0605 viewsCompleted
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure
Not many people these days over the age of forty have not had to start to deal with the problem of high blood pressure. From my own circle of friends, I know two ladies who were hospitalised through it. One had a stroke and the other developed a kind of ‘temporary dementia’. Not only that, but the age at which people, especially in the West are becoming affected is dropping. Our sedentary lifestyles – computers and televisions – and junk food – high sodium intake – are often blamed. This booklet will help you to self-treat your high blood pressure or prevent it occurring in the first place. As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the articles on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter.<br><br>I hope that you will find the information helpful and useful. The contents of this book on blood pressure, diet, exercise and related subjects is organized into 17 chapters of about 500-600 words each. Not many people these days over the age of forty have not had to start to deal with the problem of high blood pressure. From my own circle of friends, I know two ladies who were hospitalised through it. One had a stroke and the other developed a kind of ‘temporary dementia’. Not only that, but the age at which people, especially in the West are becoming affected is dropping. Our sedentary lifestyles – computers and televisions – and junk food – high sodium intake – are often blamed. This booklet will help you to self-treat your high blood pressure or prevent it occurring in the first place. As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the articles on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first. You may also split the book up and resell the articles. In fact, the only right that you do not have is to resell or give away the book as it was delivered to you.
10601 viewsCompleted
Backache has become one of the most pervasive of all ailments on a worldwide basis. This is a shame since backache that has not been caused by single impact trauma is largely preventable, as it is the result of ignorance. Backache has been given status as a watchword for scammer, since it is so difficult to disprove that some people have used it as an excuse for time off work, when they were really quite fit. This is a shame, since it tarnishes all true sufferers of back pain with the slur or malingerer. I hope that you will find the information helpful, useful and practical. The information in this ebook on how to cure backache and related subjects is organized into 18 chapters of about 500-600 words each. As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first.
0592 viewsCompleted
Brain Health As You Age: A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Prevention
Brain Health As You Age: A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Prevention
Jodi L. Lyons Self-Development
Have you ever spent 10 minutes looking for your reading glasses, and they were on the top of your head? Or, have you walked into a room and forgotten why you went there? Where are your car keys? What’s normal aging? When should you be concerned? Is there anything you can do to maintain your brain health as you age? This book provides useful, achievable actions you can take, accurate information about identifying problems, and real solutions. Our team offers anecdotes and scientifically validated information -- important tools in separating myth from reality. Our book is different from others on the market because our information and recommendations are based on scientifically validated, peer-reviewed studies published in reputable journals by world-renowned researchers in the neuroscience field, including our authors. We separate fact from fiction to ensure that our recommendations are practical, useful, achievable, and measurable. Our authors are recognized experts in the field of aging, cognition, and brain health. Most of the competition is not. Written by a world-renowned cognitive specialist, an extraordinary housecall physician, and an award-winning author on eldercare issues – all of whom specialize in caring for those with cognitive impairment -- this book is based on our expertise, practical experience, and peer-reviewed research. In addition to providing scientifically validated information and practical advice, our book separates myth from reality. Brain health, cognitive impairment, and mood disorders are serious issues. With the Baby Boomer market growing older and growing concerned about their and their parents’ brain health, the marketplace has attracted frauds, charlatans, and some well-meaning but poorly informed people who offer unproven and often dangerous products. Our authors are recognized experts, our practical experience is solid, and our science is peer-reviewed and validated.
0586 viewsCompleted
Beekeeping Starter Guide
Beekeeping Starter Guide
Olivia Cooper Self-Development
This practical guide provides you with all the essentials of beekeeping that will help make your backyard beekeeping a breeze. It introduces some concepts, tools, and resources that can handle your beehive, plan your first colony, with sound advice for caring for your bees so that you can enjoy the harvest of your hard work.<br><br>Learn all you need to know in starting your colony with this how-to guide for a beekeeping This practical guide provides you with all the essentials of beekeeping that will help make your backyard beekeeping a breeze. It introduces some concepts, tools, and resources that can handle your beehive, plan your first colony, with sound advice for caring for your bees so that you can enjoy the harvest of your hard work. Partly a history book and part handbook, this illustrated manual covers important aspects of the ancient hobby of beekeeping in a modern and simple to understand way. In this book, you will learn how to manage hives safely, harvest your own honey, with other simple ideas on how to store and market the honey and beeswax you produce. Other things to expect in this book, include: Practical information on the workings of a hive, how and where to set up hives to increase the chances of maximum success, buying and installing quality bees, and feeding bees Suggested effective for dealing with common hive pests and diseases, including possible reasons for colony collapse disorder (CCD), backed up with studies and research. Guide for enjoying rich and bounty honey harvests, with instructions to aid you processing, storing and marketing the products from your hives, as well as how to make products from your harvest Guidance for different seasons that ensure your hives stay healthy, strong and refreshed throughout their life cycle Identify when your hive goes queenless to ensure your bees do not start producing infertile eggs that can jeopardize the survival of your hive. If you’re new to beekeeping, Beginning Beekeeping is the perfect companion to get you started!
0583 viewsCompleted
Homosexuality: The Occult, Health And Psychological Dimensions
Homosexuality: The Occult, Health And Psychological Dimensions
Gabriel Agbo Self-Development
Is homosexuality good or evil? What is the origin of this sexual preference and its implications on the society? Was this in the original plan of God (nature)? Who is actually behind it and for what purpose? Are the gays and lesbians truly lured and trapped by unseen forces? And what will be its effect on the presence and coming generations? What are the views of Christianity, Islam, traditional religion, etc, on the issue? How dangerous are Anal and Oral sex – any health risks? Can they result in anal and oral cancers and several other infections? Is homosexuality an occult practice? All these questions and more are what we will be trying to proffer answers for in this book. Same-sex relationship is actually not new to humanity, but has for some time now been in the global consciousness, especially with the systematic approval given to it by western leaders in the guise of human rights, gay rights, minority rights, coalition movements, etc. In fact, some of the leaders and their puppet organizations not just preach it, but bully other nations into accepting and promoting same. They promise aids, grants and other developmental assistance as compensation. Why are they so obsessed with this and whose agenda is it? In this work we will try to compress our very objective, discussions in the following electrifying, illuminating and informative seven chapters: The Gay Rebellion, In the Beginning, The Occult Dimension, The Health Implication, The Psychological Effects, The Avoidable Consequences and What Should We Do? These are truly very informative discussions, facts that will help you make a valuable decision whether to be involved in homosexuality or not. The decision will be entirely yours! Narrated by: Roy Wells
0582 viewsCompleted

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